
Pink Salt Porridge- Eastern homemade medicine for running stomach
Pink Salt Porridge- Eastern homemade medicine for running stomach
Pink salt porridge is the simple medicine that I have learnt in Eastern part of the world. It is very effective and I have seen so many people use it for themselves and their children. I write this article for sharing the things that I have learnt only, not for curing any disease.
Pink salt, lime and honey- Natural remedy for sore throat that mom gives to her kids
Pink salt, lime and honey- Natural remedy for sore throat that mom gives to her kids
When I was a kid, my mother always tried to take care of me by natural products. She thought that it would be the best things for me. When I had a sore throat, she would steam the lime, honey and salt together and gave it to me. Recently, I found Himalayan Pink salt, the purest salt on earth and it is the best solution for this recipe. Now it is all yours. Thank you Mom for your inspiration.
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